Nicknamed the "Headhunter" Who is Steve Costello?

Steve Costello (Nicknamed the headhunter by Sensei Phil Milner) was born in 1942 in from a small town in Lancashire of where he started his training and search for knowledge of the martial arts.
At the time of 1953 the streets of Bolton (North England) were starting to become quite dangerous and from the age of 13-17 years Steve experienced the times of Cosh Boys, Teddy Boys, Skin Heads. Where I grew up there were gangs with Flick Knives, Bike Chains and some youths in gangs had all types of weapons (knives, wood poles etc).
This is what fueled the spark to start professional training under the guidance of many of the UK's top martial Arts Instructors .
Today Sensei Steve Costello still carry's the scars from his childhood, from real life street fighting encounters and has turned his experience into self defense knowledge of which he still teaches today.
At the time of 1953 the streets of Bolton (North England) were starting to become quite dangerous and from the age of 13-17 years Steve experienced the times of Cosh Boys, Teddy Boys, Skin Heads. Where I grew up there were gangs with Flick Knives, Bike Chains and some youths in gangs had all types of weapons (knives, wood poles etc).
This is what fueled the spark to start professional training under the guidance of many of the UK's top martial Arts Instructors .
Today Sensei Steve Costello still carry's the scars from his childhood, from real life street fighting encounters and has turned his experience into self defense knowledge of which he still teaches today.
Family BusinessSteve's family originated from County Mayo, Ireland before moving to Liverpool and Tyldsley, eventually arriving in Bolton. Steves Grandfather and uncles learned Boxing in the army & Steve"s dad"s stepbrother was Tommy Brown a well known local fighter.
From them Steve got his insight into Martial Arts. Dates From 1952 to 1953 Boxing at Bolton Lads Club. 1954 Unarmed combat. 1956 Ju-jitsu. 1962 Wado-Ryu Kempo Jitsu. I started to train with Phil Milner from 1977 at Bolton, Little lever, Chorley, Sheffield, Nottingham, Scunthorpe. Hence from there various other instructors. |
Karate Instructors" The photo of myself, my dad and Roy Petchey and others during an I.B.A. course with Phil Milner at the Peterborough Festival, i did the kobudo, walking cane and baton techniques "
The young Steve Costello on his search for Martial Arts knowledge trained under many of the north of England top instructors: Walter Ainscow - Ju-Jitsu Brian Blower - Atemi Jutsu F Adams - Hapkido J Costello (Father) - Judo Mick Mulroy - Kempo Frank Hayes - Ju-Jitsu Grand Master Phil Milner - Wado Ryu |
Training under Sensei Phil MilnerThe story behind this picture
During a training session in Sheffield, Phil turned to me and said," hey do you know someone here is after giving it to me" I said you must be joking, Then as we did the circle of death Phil called me over to train at the side of him, he said guess what I know who that bloke is. Then he showed me the photo, I said OH NO! he just grinned. I got the pain! all in good humour. |
Charity workChristies Hospital, Manchester.
Steve's Friends and his many club members managed to raise many thousands of pounds for the above charity. Steve and wife and friends were invited to the Christie to meet Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent as thank you for their services. (1980) Steve has traveled all over the north west helping to raise many thousands ot pounds for various charities, and persons to have treatment or fulfill ambitions because they were poorly.This is were tameshawari breaking tiles, wood, broomsticks, breeze blocks, flags and natural kerbs. pulling 3 ton mini bus whilst barefoot for 15miles, 20mile, and 25 miles. I give you a large thank you to all those who assisted me in the above. |